Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Your Definition of Success


When asked most of us would say we want to be successful. Of course we do...why are you even asking?

But if asked what that means to you could you answer? Can you define what success means to you in detail? Can you picture yourself in the future, being what successful means to you? If not, if you can't paint that picture in your mind in clear detail - your chances of achieving that success is very limited. In order to picture it you have to know what "it" is.

Years ago, in the late '90's, I was introduced to personal growth. After trying a couple of options I settled in at Context Associated and did the "Excellence Series", a 3 course process. Context is now known as Context International. They run multiple day classes to help you get in touch with your thoughts, views, and opinions - basically the way you view the world (your unique context), so you can choose to adjust it if you want different results. They respect all religious views and all activities and events are based on choice and respect. I especially liked the second course in the 3 course series - The Wall. In "The Wall" we did many activities and reflective thinking exercises to identify what is stopping us, our Walls. We also eventually come up with what we call our Definition of Success.

We all know comparing is dangerous, everyone is on their own path. Sometimes, to most everyone else, a person will appear successful, yet they don't feel or experience success internally. I believe that is because there is something missing for them. We all have multiple elements or experiences we need to have daily in order for us to feel successful. Mine will be different then yours. So we each have a unique definition of success that we need to experience daily. Once we recognize the elements and develop constructive strategies to achieve them, we can begin to experience more success for ourselves all of the time, and better course correct when we aren't.

I believe most people never do the work to clearly identify these elements for themselves and therefore do not have a clear picture of what success is for them. They do have some idea of their Walls, what they won't do or don't want. They have good days and bad days but don't know how to re-create the good and avoid the bad. This is why so many people take someone else's successful life and say "That is what I want...". They don't really know, but it looks good from over here. What they don't realise is the work, the struggles, and commitment the person they have decided is successful has went through to get there. It is not an accident. Only by doing the work to know what success is, then holding a clear vision of that up and constantly working towards it, were they able to move through all of the adversity, stay on track, and gain success.

I've also noticed most everyone wants more money, and along with that more time. We usually want more of both of these in order to experience more of the other elements we consider successful. In my first blog A New Way of Thinking and my second Putting to Rest The 'Old Ways' of Thinking, I talk about what Robert Kiyosaki calls the Sacred Cows. Old ways of thinking that no longer work in today's world. When we aren't clear on our own path and what we want and need daily to feel vibrant, alive, and successful, we more easily fall into the trap of these old ways of thinking.

So my challenge to you is - get clear on what success means for you.

Do the work to define what is stopping you and also what you call Success. Context International is a great organization and the courses will help you gain clarity in this area. If you know of other options great, but realize there is no shortcut. At some point you just have to do the work.

For me it is one of the best gifts I ever gave myself and I use the information daily.

Keep growing and learning!

*If you are open and looking for options to create more time and money in your life, part time, watch this video, use the tab up top and choose Business Opportunity Presentation Video...

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