Monday, September 17, 2012

Keeping Agreements

In some segments of society today it seems to be a missing skill.

The Agreement...

Making an Agreement and keeping Agreements are two different things!

Life today can be very dynamic in our fast paced world and schedules can and do change in a second. In fact change is the constant, as much as we like to think things stay the same. I know most of the time I have more agreements that shift and change than I do that stay the same. Of course I am not talking about major commitments, like a relationship or marriage.

A couple of very important components to making and keeping Agreements is:

1) Know what you are agreeing to;
2) Know the time lines, dates, and times and make sure to track;
When making an agreement be sure to ask questions so you are both agreeing to the same thing. It is easy to cut a corner or make an assumption and not really have the details clarified. This happens most with people we know well, and then we have conflict. What happens in this case is both parties are committed to the agreement it's just that they have agreed to different things. These types of agreements lead to follow up conversations that very often contain phrases like, "I thought you meant..." or "I assumed you meant..." or "I guess I thought...". When making the agreement take a moment in your mind (I'm talking a couple of seconds) to look ahead and identify possible issues. Just be curious for a moment. Things like other plans that may shift into this time frame, depending on other situations for this step to happen, and having contingencies for when those do not happen as agreed or planned. This forecasting can often prevent the cascading effect one issue can have on the entire string of agreements or an entire day. Clarify the details and be crystal clear.

If the agreement involves a meeting or getting back to someone by a certain date and time, as most do, make sure the details are tracked. Go ahead and set a reminder in your calendar or on your phone, whatever works best for you. There are so many ways to do this today it is really inexcusable to not do it. Most all contact management software has reminder and alarm options.

If it is a meeting it also needs to be written down so the time can be reserved for what was agreed upon and not double booked. Have a day planner or schedule of some kind so you don't have to keep everything in your head. When it isn't written down, over time details can shift and change not to mention you have to use mental capacity to remember and that capacity is not available for other purposes - like what is going on right now! Yes you're smart, that's why you write agreements down.

Here is where many of us fall short in the agreement creation and honoring cycle - making changes. When we make an agreement with someone we have a commitment in place. When something comes up that conflicts with or changes an agreement most of us make the change, and then call the other party to let them know what we've done. We just broke the agreement.

Instead, what we should be doing prior to making the change or revising the agreement, is to call the other party and let them know something is going on and work it out. Let them know you respect their time and want to honor the agreement, explain the situation, and then together make the changes to your agreement. Almost always you will get what you want or need. You will also gain trust and respect from your peers by doing it this way. You'll find that more people keep their agreements with you and notify you more in advance if there is a shift or change.

Whether you work for a large enterprise, a SMB (small to medium business), or you are an entrepreneur working from home or on your own, managing agreements and keeping them is a skill. As Jack Canfield says, "Relationships are built on trust and respect, and few relationships are as important as the ones among members of your team. One critical way to build and maintain strong team relationships is to ensure that you are keeping your agreements." Read the rest of his article on Keeping Agreements To Strengthen Your Team

Take the time and pay attention to how you make agreements, how you track and manage agreements, and how you make changes to the agreements you have in your life.
Managing your Agreements with integrity and respecting the other parties time and what was agreed upon can and will pay huge dividends and gain you much respect and trust from those in your network. TRY IT!

PS. For those that keep your options open and are looking for something better consider this vehicle or opportunity to help you acheive your dreams and goals - watch the video (tab on top of page) to take part in a modern day gold rush...

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