Friday, September 14, 2012

TGIF, Really?

Thank God it’s Friday!!!

TGIF… A saying most of us have used in the past or still use frequently.

However, I also work with a group of others that don’t even know what day of the week it is most of the time.  Really… And if they do know they don’t care. They usually get reminded as Sunday rolls around and they go to church.

My point is, what kind of life are we living when we count down to Friday and the weekend every week? Just surviving Monday through Friday to really live those 2 days before we go back to the weekly grind. Is that really living? Who’s in control?

A couple of posts ago (Empower Network blog) I mentioned Robert Kiyosaki and his video Shooting the Sacred Cows of Money. If you haven’t watched it yet I highly recommend you take the time to do so, now. Don’t put it off. The entire video is about 1 hour, this link to the YouTube video is just 2:36 and still makes the overall point. Those old ways or beliefs - Go to College, Get a Job, Work Hard, Save Money, Invest in a Diversified Portfolio, they no longer work in today’s world. It is pretty clear to me that those I know who are more attached to those “old ways” of thinking and doing, the Sacred Cows as Robert Kiyosaki calls them, are the ones doing more of the weekly grind. Just putting in the time at ‘work’ to get out and live our ‘real’ lives. Of course their (our) real lives are filled with the repercussions of those old ways – high credit card debt, huge mortgage payments, liabilities we call assets like a house and cars and toys, and many times working 40+ hours per week on someone else’s schedule with little or no time for those we love and care about most. Not the dream most of us had when we bought into those old beliefs.

Those beliefs did work in the past…

But that is all different today and we need to embrace the new ways…

That other group I mentioned, the group that many times doesn’t even know what day of the week it is, this group doesn’t say TGIF. They love every day and do what they love every day. They are today’s entrepreneurs. Leaders blazing new trails and establishing the “new ways” that work today in this new Information Age. Sometimes they use older concepts in new ways – like franchising or brokering. Many times it involves entire new industries and all new ways of doing business. The Internet is a new vehicle (OK, new since 1989) that has created and provided many new opportunities for individuals to work from home or anywhere they want, work when they want for as long as they decide, and create their own versions of success. There are all kinds of options like managing websites that sell products, Affiliate Marketing, managing lists and groups of customers, and so many more… I really like Empower Network.

Another great ‘new’ vehicle or method is Direct Sales, also called Network Marketing or Multilevel Marketing (MLM). Direct Sales is the oldest and most traditional form of sales or moving products, it is based on referrals and recommendations. This industry was founded back in the fifties and with the Internet has really come into it’s own. There are hundreds of companies selling every type of product or service. Compensation varies and the support and training varies so do your research. You should be looking for what author Richard Poe calls a Wave 4 company in his book Wave 4: Network Marketing in the 21st Century. Having re-occuring purchases and products everyone uses is a crucial concept.

I like ACN and the platform they’ve provided for Telecommunications and Energy – something we all use and can never pay off. The deregulation of energy has created a modern day gold rush and you can be a part of it!  Watch this short video for more on this great opportunity to create a residual income and the time to enjoy it, use the link and select the video tab up top. Even if this isn’t for you the video is very eye opening…

So, as the classic rock song goes, are you just “Working for the weekend?"

Or do you have a plan that works in today’s world, providing you the income, time, and lifestyle you want? 

If you don’t, consider using the links above to begin researching options and learning what you need to know in order to become a successful entrepreneur in the 21st century!

Whatever you do, Be All In!

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