Saturday, September 15, 2012

Back To School

It happens every year. As sure as Fall and Football. Labor Day weekend, the last holiday weekend of the summer, then...

Back to school.

Of course for some back to school starts earlier, the week before Labor Day. College and NFL football both start. There is a bit of a snap in the air as the crisp fall weather starts to push in on summer. Many times by now we have already had what I call a 'fall preview' week. This year here in the Pacific Northwest it appears we'll be having an Indian summer - drier, warmer, and sunnier than most.

I find it interesting how almost everyone gets into the "Back-To-School" mode or spirit in the late summer and early fall. Even in business it has traditionally been one of the best times of the year. Seems like everyone gets a renewed focus. So whether it be kids going back to K-12, young adults going to or back to college, or a professional that has been working for some time, my experience is everyone gets a bit more focused on goals, growth, and moving ahead in September and on through the fall.

Isn't that great!

As a business owner and entrepreneur this is an excellent time to really get focused and make a push. You can capitalize on the natural momentum and get more and better results! It is an exciting time. I'll use my experience here in the Northwest. Typically it is more challenging to get new business and new clients in July and August unless it is already in discussion. Then, almost like a gust of fall wind blowing in to signal the change of seasons, people's focus and energy shifts as we move into September. There is a natural tendency to look at our results for the year and see how they match up against our goals from the beginning of the year. Hopefully you have your yearly goals written down. Michael Hyatt has a great article on the value of putting your goals down in writing, check it out to see for yourself. Then, we adjust and make the fall push towards the end of the year.

Here are some action steps to take:

>Review and assess your written goals for the year;
>Write out your goals for September through December;
>Get with your manager, coach, mentor, or team leader to review and develop a specific plan for you - break it down into actionable and measurable steps;
>If you are a team leader get with your entire team to gain consensus and help everyone to buy in. This is a good article on how to help with that. While the article focuses on a Project, consider your fall goals your project through the end of the year. Really pay attention to the third paragraph - sharing a clear vision. Make sure everyone on the team knows that vision, this can have a huge impact. Paint a BIG VISION.
Now is the time to get into action!

Take advantage of the natural cycle and that Back-To-School energy and make your push.

Keep focused on the vision.

Make it Happen...

PS. - if you are looking for a vehicle or opportunity to help you acheive your dreams and goals consider watching this video to take part in a modern day gold rush...

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